University of Chicago Alumni Reunion 1966-2006

Forty years have elapsed. Leave your comments and send me an email (RHFREER@ALUMNI.UCHICAGO.EDU)!

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Location: KENDALL, FL, United States

Undergrad pre medical Bachelor of Science degree - University Of Chicago. Graduate degree - Washington U. CO CHAIR - SOUTH FLORIDIANS FOR THE SAFETY & SECURITY OF ISRAEL State of Florida Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. College Professor (ret.) CoChair, CORTLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK Citizens' Crime Watch. Real Estate Developer (albeit responsible and conscientious!)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

In honor of RIchard Freer's mother Harriette, this Memorial Garden was erected in the front yard of one of his buildings in Miami.

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Harriette Freer holds DU mascot after Richard's graduation ceremony --this scene was from an 8mm movie

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Richard Harris Freer, SB’66, MA,’69
9860 SW 120 St.
Miami, FL 33176
305 253 9353
786 201 1415

Since you were not able to make it to the 40th Reunion of the University of Chicago Class of ’66,
I felt that it was such a fantastic success …
(thanks to Jen Powell of the Alumni Association and Reunion Committee Chair Richard Lyford)
that I have taken it upon myself to send you a personal report on the twenty top highlights of the weekend plus a souvenir (reprints from the Maroon).

You are cordially invited to submit your reactions and comments for the blog.

The quad was glorious, the fare was sumptuous, the ladies were glamorous, and a swell time was had by all.

May the U of Chicago shine on forever!

So, here is a recap, albeit non-erudite, of what you missed:

(1) On Thursday morning, June 1st, we visited Alumni House, at 5555 S. Woodlawn Avenue, which looked very impressive. We registered and reminisced about a few high and low points of college days.
Several classmates who were staying at the International House
expressed envy at my staying at my brother’s guest bedroom in Skokie.

(2) Lunch with Delta U fraternity brothers at 5714 S Woodlawn.

(3) That afternoon we sat in on a seminar conducted by the Rabbi at U of C Hillel House, 5715 S Woodlawn, on the significance of Shavuot and torah learning. It was quite enlightening!

(4) At 6 PM, the Informal Get Together was convened by Chairman Richard Lyford at Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59 St., who introduced yours truly. I narrated a power point slide presentation that I had prepared entitled “The Class of 66--Then & Now”.

What was amazing was how healthy and strong everyone looked. Bruce Hirsh, Wayne Lavender, and Frank Thompson seemed to be especially endowed with joie de vivre.

After the event, Joel Brody, Chuck Milgrom, Joel Kleinman, and I walked to a pizza joint on 57th Ave. We reminisced about pre med biology courses taken 40+ years ago. We talked about the intense IntraMural Athletics events in which we participated (basketball and football games mainly). Giggles and grins. I recounted various events of the i, of which I was VP. Related how hospitals turned me off, so I did not go to med school. Discussed our various hobbies (e.g., gardening, bicycling) and family matters. Recalled our motorcycles…Milgrom’s Indian was bigger and 'meaner' than my Triumph.

(5) Popped in on the DU Fraternity House at midnight, where about 40 brothers were having a song fest and beer blast (rehearsing for the InterFraternity Sing ). Posed for a couple of photos. Donated the boxes of uneaten pizza to the fellows.

(6) On Friday morning June 2nd, we toured Argonne National Laboratory.

(7) The afternoon UnCommon Core seminar by Michael Coates entitled “How Fish Learned to Walk” was held at the new Biology Learning Center at 924 E 57 St. He gave a great talk on the anatomical and functional significance of new fossil discoveries.

(8) The next afternoon UnCommon Core seminar featured Michael Levitt discussing Freakonics And Beyond.

(9) Gorgeous sunny weather continued as we met at 4:30 PM at the stately Hutchinson Commons, 5706 University Av, the big hall with the framed portraits of the presidents and trustees, for HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE COMMON CORE. Faculty and alums rubbed elbows, and conversed over wine and cheese, toasting the Core on its 75th Anniversary.

(Note: In February, Dean Robert Boyer came to Miami (Coconut Grove)for an informal evening party; I was curious to know if my Soc I professor Ralph Lerner was still at the post. Dean Boyer replied yes, whereupon I asked him if Professor Lerner was still as INTENSE about the Federalist Papers.)

I was chatting with a Professor Herman Sinaiko, and mentioned Professor Lerner, when he noticed that the latter had come into the room. I asked him to introduce me. A lively discussion of the various readings of Soc I such as John Locke ensued. Then Dean Boyer saw us and joined in; photographs were shot. I used the opportunity to tell them that in my efforts to recruit high school students to come to the U of C, parents of these prospective students had complained about Professor Mearsheimer with his one sided "working paper" on the Israel Lobby. Talked to outgoing University President Don Randel, and also mentioned my displeasure with Prof. Mearsheimer.

(10) THE GRAND CELEBRATION -- THE COLLEGE CLASS OF 1966 REUNION at the Quadrangle Club, 1155 E 57 St.,

Photos were taken at the Reception, highlighting the fact that the class of 66 had the biggest attendance, and some 150 people attended the elegant Dinner.

(11) TWIST PARTY – BLUES CONCERT lasted from 9:30 PM to midnight at the bar on the main floor of the Quadrangle Club.
(Set my digital camera down by a window ledge to dance with Marcia Earlenbaugh.
The next morning it was in the same spot. Whew what a relief!)

Took a run and noticed that there was a band playing on the quad. Parked my red Saturn SUV at the DU house. Skipped the ChicaGo party at the Ratner gym.

(12) Saturday, 10:30 AM, June 3rd Alumni Convocation at Rockefeller Chapel --inspiring, University President Don Randel made his farewll remarks.after a 9:15 Shavuot service at Hillel Center

(13) Noon Picnic with family activities at the Ratner Gym

(14) Rockefeller Memorial Carillon Tour and Concert

(15) UnCommon Core Session I at the Biology Center, 924 E 57 St. featured Professor John Mearsheimer on Why the Bush Doctrine Crashed and Burned in Iraq. He discussed the broader implications of America’s troubles in Iraq. I listened to him bemusedly with the attitude that he is pretty much a showman who is trying to sell his book The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. Ever since he and Prof. Walt had published their “Working Paper on the Israel Lobby” some months before, I had a pretty low opinion of his scholarly ability as a “political scientist”. But when he tried to slip in a crack to the effect that the previous Israeli occupation of Lebanon was comparable to Nazi occupation of European countries, I STOOD UP AND YELLED OUT EXPLOSIVELY “HOW DARE YOU COMPARE THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION OF LEBANON TO THE NAZI CONQUEST OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES…etcera!” He said “let me finish my talk and we can discuss it in a few minutes”. Then he said, “and now to the man who was hot under the collar”. I urged fellow maroons to consider that his paper on the Israel lobby is an embarrassment to the U of C and invited the audience of 300+ to attend the colloquium the next day at the Social Science Research auditorim. It was quite satisfying to tell him off!

(15) From 3 – 4 pm College Dean John Boyer and two Collegiate Masters conducted a Conversation about the College’s new learning environment , also at the Biology Center, 924 E 57 St. Dean Boyer, the gent who has mailed us the fifteen “Occasional Papers on Higher Education”, truly epitomizes the Chicago spirit!

(16) 4 PM at Mandel Hall 1131 S. 57 St., ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT of the UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, UNIVERSITY CHORUS, MOTET CHOIR & ROCKEFELLER CHAPEL CHOIR -- Brahms Symphony No. 1 (quite dramatic!) plus a selection of famous opera choruses from Verdi’s Aida, Nabucco, La Traviata, and Il Trovatore with the singers coming down to the aisles from the balcony. The auditorium was really roused! WHAT A FANTASTIC FEELING TO HAVE SAVORED SUCH A SUPERB PERFORMANCE ... THAT ELICITED LOTS OF BRAVO SHOUTS!

(17) Sunday, June 4th 10:30 to 1:30 CLASS BRUNCH at the private home of Anna (Hollinger) and Mark Siegler, 5801 S. Blackstone—a most pleasant experience—see video of the poetry recitations by some classmates on the blog. (Met Chuck Milgrom at 8 AM at the Jewish Community Center gym on Touhy Av, Skokie for a workout.)

(18) Sunday, June 4, 2 PM
Panel Discussion & Symposium / Press Conference entitled:

colloquium at U of Chicago Social Sciences Research building auditorium
near the University of Chicago Medical School.
It was organized by
Professor Richard H. Freer, CoChair
12590 SW 128 STREET
Miami, FL 33186
305 253 9353 or 786 201 1415


Classmate, Charles Milgrom, MD (U of C - premed SB'66) addressed:
(a) A few words about Hadassah Hospital
(b) Treating Mass Casualties in Israel as an Orthopedic Surgeon at Hadassah Hospital
(c) "Strategies of the IDF - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"

We urged folks to write their newspapers, congressional representatives, and senators to express solidarity with Israel.

19. I nominated for a U of Chicago citation Charles Milgrom, MD, my classmate of the Class Of '66.
Fellow classmate, friend, and CoChair, U OF Chicago ALUMS FOR THE SAFETY & SECURITY OF ISRAEL, Dr. Milgrom has performed heroically as a trauma surgeon at Hadassah Hospital. Who deserves to be termed a mensch? Just consider his achievements as depicted in the following lecture given at the U of C on June 4, 2006.

> YouTube - Israel Responses to Intifada Attacks

> YouTube - Israel Responses to Intifada Attacks 3
> YouTube - Israel Responses to Intifada Attacks 4
> YouTube - Israel Responses to Intifada Attacks 5

If you would like to send a supporting letter, google his CV and e-mail: before the deadline date of October 15. The quality of the information given is more important than the relative prominence of the writer. Possible contacts include professional colleagues and other volunteers, former students, and friends. Letters that comment knowledgeably on the individual's specific achievements are the most important and helpful.

20. I was given a tour of various Chicago landmarks and museums (Natural History had interesting exhibits pertaining to (a) evolution and adaptation, and (b) rare Holocaust photos) and points of interest by my brother David and his family. Drove up to Madison WI to visit my other brother Stephen who graduated from the U of C in 1969, and inspect some family property and decided I will sell the Gillingham School rather than develop it.

Bottom line?
The reunion celebration was perfect!

Nancy Barty of PA could not attend the 40th, but conveyed sincere best wishes to classmates.

Class Of 66 Sunday Brunch was held at Anna & Mark's house at 5801 S. Blackstone

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Reciting poems at the brunch on Sunday

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Classmates had a fierce debate on capital punishment, "made nice-nice", then posed amicably.

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Brunch on 6-4-6 are Joel Brody and Richard Freer

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A bicyclist pedals towards Cobb Hall on the quadrangle. Ahh, memories of Prof. Ralph Lerner and Soc I classes.

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UNKNOWN GUY ON HIS 'HOG'. (Then there was the time when my fraternity brothers put my Triumph up the fire escape at Delta Upsilon as a prank.)

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Intramural games were rough and tough usually (here Tufts guys played girls from new dorm, replete with opportunities for gropes and feels).

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Guys, stop making jokes about the preppy guy with his teensie weensie wagon and gift wrapped presents!

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Pres. George Wells Beadle (Nobel Laureate) address convocation at RC (remember the sit in at the President's House?)

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Dean Newman -- popular and personable -- at Stagg Field 1965.

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We played lots of games of 8 ball!

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U of C coeds are keeping in shape

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Biochem Prof. Ray Koppleman motivates pre med students (Bio 200)

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

View to west from Social Sciences Research bldg. auditiorium (site of the Israel Responds to Intifada Attacks on 6-4-6). Here it is 40 years ago!

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u of c graduation pix

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Yes, it's true, new dorm princess nancy barty walked amongst us!

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