University of Chicago Alumni Reunion 1966-2006

Forty years have elapsed. Leave your comments and send me an email (RHFREER@ALUMNI.UCHICAGO.EDU)!

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Location: KENDALL, FL, United States

Undergrad pre medical Bachelor of Science degree - University Of Chicago. Graduate degree - Washington U. CO CHAIR - SOUTH FLORIDIANS FOR THE SAFETY & SECURITY OF ISRAEL State of Florida Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. College Professor (ret.) CoChair, CORTLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK Citizens' Crime Watch. Real Estate Developer (albeit responsible and conscientious!)

Monday, July 31, 2006


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hot n heavy at New Dorm

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RHF went to grad school at Wash U and founded the St. Louis Draft Resistance, which organized many rallies.

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one of the earlier anti war demonstrations

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then there was the time I got caught with my girlfriend after hours in New Dorm...

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ad bldg faces: chas o'connor, sandke, & sullivan

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Warner Arms Wick (top) Dean Newman (bottom)

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Dean of the College Wayne Booth and Rich Freer are on the same page in opposing the war in Vietnam ( video frame from 8 mm movie footage 06/66).

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Richard Freer & Dean Wayne Booth at Delta U frat house after graduation ceremony - June 1966

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RF at the pleasant Sunday noon brunch -- June 4, 2006

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

RF's mom Harriette stayed active in learning til her passing on 7-19-5.

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